Robert E. Settlage

MCMC inspiration

Weighted Bootstrap

Details of why MCMC for me including the Accept-Reject and Weighted Boostrap algorithms.

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Robert E. Settlage

Welcome!! WIP, for sure, have requests? Submit as an issue …


I am a chemist, statistician, and compute junkie all rolled up into one. I am the bioinformatician doing the COVID surveillance sequencing analysis for SW-VA. I am the NVidia Deep Learning Institute Ambassador to Virginia Tech. I love data, bigger is better. Something big enough to challenge the available compute.

I love AI/ML/DL. To me, teaching the computer to learn from data in a semi automated fashion is the ultimate end goal. This site is a record of my data science and [AMD]L journey. I hope to touch on everything from clustering and classification to productionizing and MLOps.

I also love automation. Do it the first time, it is research, do it a second time, it is productionizing (bug fixing ;) ), a third time is now monotonous and should be automated. What do I mean by automation, as an example, I have scripts to collect usage stats on a set of HPC clusters every 10 min, 365. These aren’t just for fun, they collect and display cluster status for informing where to submit jobs based on queue congestion.

Finally, I a big fan of MCMC methods and will try to create concise summaries of popular algorithms along with some examples of thier use.



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