Detailed balance description and proof for Gibbs and Metropolis-Hastings .
Short proof of detailed balance for Gibbs and Metropolis(-Hastings) Sampling. The general idea is that you need to prove that the forward and backward transitions should be equal, ie there is no bias in transition movement.
This is summed up as follows:
Forward transition probability: \(P(x'\mid x)\)
Reverse transition probability: \(P(x\mid x')\)
Our claim is if:
\[ \begin{eqnarray} \tag{1} \Pi_i(x')\;P_{ij}(x'\mid x) &=& \Pi_j \; P_{ji}(x)(x \mid x') \text{ then} \\ \vec{\Pi} &=& \{{\Pi_1, \Pi_2, \dots \Pi_N}\} \text{ is stationary} \end{eqnarray} \]
\[ \begin{eqnarray} Step 1: \\ \tag{1} y' &\sim & f(y\mid x) \\ Step 2: \\ \tag{2} x' &\sim & f(x\mid y') \end{eqnarray} \]
Want to prove:
\[ \tag{3} forward\; transition = backward\; transition \]
\[ \begin{eqnarray} \tag{4} {\overbrace {\textstyle f(x\mid y)\;p([x',y']\mid [x,y])}^{ {forward\; direction}}} &=& f(x,y)\;{\overbrace {f(y'\mid x)}^{ {step 1}}}\; {\overbrace {\textstyle f(x'\mid y')}^{ {step 2}}}\\ &=& f(x,y)\; \frac{f(y',x)}{f(x)}\frac{f(x',y')}{f(y')} \text{ Bayes Rule} \\ &=& \frac{f(x,y)}{f(x)}\; \frac{f(y',x)}{f(y')}f(x',y') \\ &=& {\underbrace {\textstyle f(y\mid x)}_{ {step 2}}}\; {\underbrace {\textstyle f(x\mid y')}_{ {step 1}}}\;f(x',y') \text{ Bayes Rule}\\ &=& p([x,y]\mid [x',y'])\;f(x',y') \\ &=& {\underbrace {\textstyle p([x,y]\mid [x',y'])\;f(x'\mid y')}_{ {backward\; direction}}} \end{eqnarray} \]
Metropolis and Metropolis-Hastings differ in the transition rule. The Metropolis-Hastings correction to the Metropolis sampler adds a correction to account for situations where the sampling distribution is not symetric. Adding the correction term to the below does not change the argument.
Need to show
\[ \begin{equation} \tag{5} P_{ij}\Pi_i = P_{ji}\Pi_j \end{equation} \]
WLOG: assume \(\Pi_(x') \le \Pi_(x)\) for calulating \(\alpha\)
\[ \begin{eqnarray} \tag{6} P_{ij}(x' \mid x) &=& {\overbrace {g(x'\mid x)}^{ {step 1}}}\;\; {\overbrace {\alpha}^{ {step 2}}} \\ &=& g(x'\mid x) \cdot min\left(1,\frac{\Pi(x')}{\Pi(x)}\right) \\ &=& g(x'\mid x) \cdot \frac{\Pi(x')}{\Pi(x)} \end{eqnarray} \]
\[ \begin{eqnarray} \tag{7} P_{ji}(x \mid x') &=& {\overbrace {g(x\mid x')}^{ {step 1}}}\;\; {\overbrace {\alpha}^{ {step 2}}} \\ &=& g(x\mid x') \cdot min\left(1,\frac{\Pi(x)}{\Pi(x')}\right) \\ &=& g(x'\mid x) \cdot 1 \\ &=& g(x'\mid x) \end{eqnarray} \]
\[ \begin{eqnarray} \tag{8} P_{ij} \Pi_i &=& P_{ji}\Pi_j \\ g(x'\mid x) \frac{\Pi (x')}{\Pi (x)}\Pi (x) &=& g(x\mid x') \Pi(x') \\ g(x'\mid x) \Pi(x) &=& g(x\mid x') \Pi(x') \end{eqnarray} \]
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For attribution, please cite this work as
Settlage (2022, June 13). Robert E. Settlage: tl;dr Detailed Balance. Retrieved from
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@misc{settlage2022tl;dr, author = {Settlage, Robert}, title = {Robert E. Settlage: tl;dr Detailed Balance}, url = {}, year = {2022} }